Hello new friend! Thank you so much for stumbling across my little glowing piece of the world wide web. You might be wondering what this website is about and how it can help you become the most radiant version of yourself, and I would be so delighted to share that with you.

For at least 15 years now I’ve been OBSESSED with green smoothies and everything wellness, if you take a peek at my internet search history there will likely be a combo of “recipes for glowing skin”, “smoothies to make me look radiant AF in as little time as possible”, and some Google image searching for my favourite musician (Brian Fallon, for those interested).

Around 10 years ago I started up Wellness WA, a website dedicated to everrrrrything health, wellness and beauty in my hometown – Perth, Western Australia. While general health & wellness still lights my fire, my true passion has always been in the smoothie realm. So much so that I co-founded Perth’s first cold-pressed juice cleanse delivery biz over 5 years ago. A wild ride which taught me loads about how to (and how not to) run a business and what fruit and veggies taste insanely good together while also promoting optimum glowing skin and health.

After selling that business, I took a break from juicing, but never stopped firing up my blender each morning to create a nourishing smoothie and filling it with as much goodness as possible in order to set me up for an amazing day (plus deliver a little extra skin glow!)

Growing up and into my late 20’s, I struggled with acne, went on multiple rounds of antibiotics and tried many harsh cleansers and creams which often left my skin sensitive, sore and red. Not to mention the crippling effect it had on my self esteem. I couldn’t figure out why I had to suffer with bad skin when it seemed like no-one else ever had any issues?!

As it turns out diet played a key role, and I’ve since discovered that consuming any dairy (particularly icecream or Camembert cheese) results in instant onset cystic acne – within 1 or 2 hours – that takes weeks to go away. Peanut butter is also another culprit – but we can get more into that later!

Fast-forward to today, creating smoothie recipes that flood the body with as many glow-inducing goodies as possible is my passion, and I strongly believe that including at least one nutrient rich, specifically designed smoothie in your diet each day can have an amazing positive effect on skin quality, energy levels and overall “glow”.

I’d be so happy if you joined me on this delicious & fun journey to the ultimate glowing skin through healing smoothies, juices & elixirs.

Feel free to get in touch any time by emailing hi@glowingsmoothies.com.au