Strawberry Glowing Greens Smoothie (For Glowing Skin)

Hi guys! It’s been a while between green drinks, but rest assured there has been lots of exciting developments going on *behind the scenes* which I’m looking forward to sharing with you soon.

Sometimes you just need a super simple smoothie recipe that tastes delicious and will almost instantly infuse your body & skin with an abundant dose of vitamins and minerals. This one is perfect both first thing in the morning and as a post-dinner snack before you go to bed at night. I like to alternate the timings of my glowing smoothies as sometimes I feel like my body will best use the goodness during the day, and other times I feel like it might wanna get cleansing and repairing with the nutrients at night – whenever you choose to drink it, this deliciously refreshing smoothie will do you a world of good!

This smoothie is:

♥ Exceptionally high in natural vitamin C (& very healing!)
♥ Very high in iron & magnesium
♥ Darn delicious

Got your blender ready? Lets get glowing!

Strawberry Glowing Greens Smoothie

♥ 1/2 x cup of coconut water
♥ 1/2-1 x cup of filtered water (depending on how thick you like your smoothies!)
♥ 1 x small cucumber
♥ 2 x large handfuls of baby spinach
♥ 1 x heaped cup of frozen strawberries
♥ Juice of 1/4 to 1/2 a lemon

Recommended Optional Glowy Extras!

♥ 1 x tsp Edible Beauty Native Collagen Powder (all vegan, skin health promoting & berry flavoured, so perfect in this smoothie!)
♥ 1 x tsp Silica liquid – I use and recommend Bioceuticals
♥ 1 x tbsp hemp seeds

I find I get the best results when blending the cucumber, spinach & liquids first and then adding the frozen strawberries in later 🙂

Let me know if you try this smoothie and like the recipe, or if you have any questions or comments below!

Love & glowing smoothies,

Annette xo